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Charlene Richardson

Be a Goldfish

It is essential to feed you and your family with real, nutrient dense food. Just as Ted Lasso famously said, “Be a goldfish.” But, what does that mean when it comes to the snack we give our kids?

Many of us grew up snacking on the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish. While this might seem harmless, it is important to look at the ingredient list (below). If my math is right, it has 22 ingredients! The processed ingredients, chemicals, and oils in these goldfish provide no nutritional value. Basically, just a bunch of empty calories and $h*t that destroys our guts and health. As I like to talk to my kids, we like to eat foods that make us grow big and strong. These Pepperidge Farm Goldfish are certainly not. 

A Goldfish is resilient, adaptable, and always moving forward. 

That is why I started making Goldfish from scratch for my kids. It really doesn’t take much time. Plus, it is a great way to have the kids help cook and start teaching them some of the basic life skills. They enjoy using the goldfish cutter and then throwing them on the cookie sheet yelling, “fishy!”. The whole process takes less than an hour and all the ingredients are real.

I’ve had enough of Big Food and the processed “food”, dyes, and preservatives that are in our foods (many of these ingredients are banned in Europe and other countries). It’s time to take control of our health and the health of our kids to help them grow big and strong and prevent disease. 

39.6% of U.S Adults are obese.

17% of U.S Kids are obese.

48% of US adults have cardiovascular disease

39.5% of of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer

A lot of the above can be prevented by eating real, nutrient dense foods and avoiding processed foods, added sugars, and avoiding alcohol. 

I don’t want to ever be dependent on pharmaceuticals or being in and out of the hospital or doctors offices. 

You need to figure out what you want for you and your family. It’s not about dieting or quick fixes. It’s finding a version of the most nutrient dense food out there and buying it or making it yourself for the prevention of disease. 

Changing lifestyle habits is never easy. You can’t depend on motivation. It doesn’t last. It’s habits, dedication to the one body you got! 

If you would like to try this recipe, click here.

Sourdough and Raw Cheddar Cheese Goldfish Ingredients:

-Sharp Cheddar Cheese


-Onion Powder

-Garlic Powder



-Sourdough starter


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