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Strength Has a Greater Purpose

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

A few weeks ago, I was super pumped to head out on the water with my son to go kayaking. I was treating the kayaking as an active recovery session over the weekend just to keep moving, but not to stress my body more than needed as my training sessions have been hard for the StrongFirst Tactical Strength Challenge.

As I grabbed the kayak and headed down the steps and into the water, my next step was a rock and then the water. Not thinking anything of it, I stepped onto the rock and next thing I know I have wiped out, landed hard on the rock, in complete shock on my side. The rock was covered in slime. Not sure what I was thinking (or not thinking), but I jumped up onto my feet and just moved a bit to make sure everything was okay. Shoulder, arm, glute, legs… all seemed good. No pain. So I continued on my way and jumped into the kayak and spent the next hour exploring new spots along the river.

The next day I texted my coach (when I realized I had no pain and all was good) to explain to him that I had fallen and was so glad I didn’t break anything. His response: “Ha, yeah. That would have been heartbreaking. But the more training you do, the harder you are to hurt.” He was 100% right. Like StrongFirst has said, "Strength has a greater purpose."

There are so many reasons why you need to focus on strength training. Why you need strong muscles and bones to protect yourself.

  • According to the NIH, each year over 300,000 older people—those 65 and older—are hospitalized for hip fractures.

  • More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling, usually by falling sideways.

  • Women fall more than men.

  • Women more often have osteoporosis and bones are more likely to break.

The chances of breaking your hip go up as you get older. It is never too late to start your health and fitness journey. To get strong. To strengthen your muscles and your bones. To make your life easier. Strength truly has a greater purpose. Until next time, Pick up heavy things! Charlene

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