I’m pretty sure I have heard every health and fitness goal in the book at some point or another. I love when someone comes in with their goals and as they get a better understanding of what we do at ANCHOR it switches to more of a performance goal. Performance goals are a ton of fun, which leads to more consistency and therefore will lead to improved body composition which is usually the top goal that is always listed.
One of the top coaches in the industry, Bobby Maximus who used to coach at Gym Jones in Utah, has developed a series of fitness standards for both men and women (age doesn’t matter to him). Even though some of these standards may seem pretty far fetched, to work towards them only raises and improves your entire fitness level which improves your health and ability to conquer anything that life throws your way.
Below are the standards he developed:
Back squat: 1.5 times your body weight
Deadlift: 2 times your body weight
Front squat: 1.25 times your body weight
Overhead squat: Body weight
Bench press: Bodyweight
Power clean: Body weight
Turkish getup: half your body weight
60-second fan bike: 40 calories
500-meter Row: 1:45
500-meter SkiErg: 1:45
1,000-meter Row: 3:50
1,000-meter SkiErg: 3:50
2,000-meter row: 8:00
2,000-meter ski: 8:00
5,000-meter row: 22:30
5,000-meter ski: 22:30
1.5-mile Run: 9:00
60-minute row: 12,500 meters
60-minute ski: 12,500 meters
10K run: 50 minutes
Back squat: 2 times your body weight
Deadlift: 2.5 times your body weight
Front squat: 1.5 times your body weight
Overhead squat: 1.25 times your body weight
Bench press: your body weight for 10 reps
Power clean: 1.25 times your body weight
Turkish getup: half your body weight
60-second fan bike: 55 calories
500-meter Row: 1:30
500-meter SkiErg: 1:30 60-second fan bike: 55 calories
1,000-meter Row: 3:30
1,000-meter SkiErg: 3:30
2,000-meter row: 7:00
2,000-meter ski: 7:00
5,000-meter row: 18:30
5,000-meter ski: 18:30
1.5-mile Run: 8:45
60-minute row: 15,400 meters
60-minute ski: 15,400 meters
10K run: 50 minutes
Some of these goals seem very challenging. I like that it hits strength, aerobic (2K Row), and anaerobic systems (think kettlebell swings or 100M sprint). Do some of these standards seem absolutely hard? Definitely. Are you better at the strength standards compared to the cardio standards? It’s a great way to see where you are strongest and where you may need a program to help get you stronger in other areas. I do think they need to have standards according to age.
While these standards are set very high, I have some of my own personal goals and wish lists for anyone who steps foot in ANCHOR. I would love for each of you to focus on a minimum of 5 items on this list.
1.5x bodyweight deadlift (men and women)
Bench: ¾ bodyweight
2K Row (8 min women, 7 min men)
Squat: bodyweight
1 push-up
Get-up: women (16kg, men 24kg)
2 handed swing (24KG women, 32kg men)
250 M Row in 1 minute or less
10,000 Swing Challenge in 1 Month
Participate in a Powerlifting Event
Participate in the StrongFirst Tactical Strength Challenge
Attend a StrongFirst Certification Course
Move 7 days per week (could be yoga, hike, walk the dog)
Drink ½ your bodyweight in ounces per day
Meditate daily
Take daily self care time
Foam roll and stretch after class, hike or other physical activity
Get a massage, reiki, or acupuncture monthly
Eat food to help the body work optimally, to be able to lift heavy things, and for the prevention of disease
Get daily vitamin D (the real stuff… sun :) Even in the winter when it is hard to get out there.
Read a book
Laugh daily
Make health a priority and control what you can
Under the care of a doctor, get off any prescription medications that that can be controlled with a healthy lifestyle
I think if you can follow a minimum of 5 items on the above list, you are on the right direction for a healthy lifestyle journey. So, if your not sure what goals you want to set next or what direction you want to go with your health and fitness journey, grab some from the above lists and make that your focus.
I would love to hear what direction your heading and what you are thinking!
Until Next Time,
Make your health a priority!