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Athletes…Are you willing to do the little things…That your competition isn’t?

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of U14 & 16 Ice Hockey players

on strength, nutrition and lifestyle habits. The little things that will separate them from their competition.

Whether you are a parent that has an athlete at home or you are the athlete reading this… Are you willing to do the small things to separate you from others in your age group?  To help you perform better on the field, ice, etc. and off the field?

Over the past 8 years, I’ve worked with athletes who have gone on to play their sport in college ranging from D1 to D3. Out of all those athletes, there are 3 that have stood out to me from the rest of the group. 

What separated them from the rest? The willingness to do what no one else was willing to do. I had a softball athlete that began with me freshman year. During her first in-season, she had a busy schedule like any high school athlete. Practice right after school, followed by club practice and then shoot, time for homework. What did she do? She showed up 3x per week at 6:00AM to get her training in to help maintain her power and speed for her sport. 

I can’t stress how important 2x per week strength training is during in-season to maintain that speed and power.

But, what other lifestyle habits do I believe will separate the good athletes from the great athletes (besides talent)?

Being willing to do small habits below that will help improve performance:

  1. Strength Training Year Round

  2. Eating nutrient dense, real food

  3. Hydrating (water + electrolytes)

  4. Limit Technology/social media scrolling/tv

  5. Having “tools” to reduce stress (walking, meditating, yoga, breathing techniques, tapping etc.)

  6. Recovery: Walking, mobility work, sauna, ice bath, massages

  7. Routine/Calendar: Divide each day into 4 quarters. If $h*t hits the fan, in Q1… you have the rest of that quarter to be pissed/angry/sad… then, we do our best to shake it off and move onto the next quarter. Hopefully, to not let that one bad thing ruin the rest of our day.

  8. Sleep: 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

What are you willing to do that your competition is not?  Or your child, what things are they willing to do in the above list that would separate them from their competition?

Our fall sports performance block begins 9/9. 

Interested in increasing strength, improving speed, and gaining confidence? 

Learn more or grab your spot here!

Questions? Send a DM!


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